Monday, 10 February 2025

Workshop: An Approach to Tonal Realism


Flyer for workshop with text as per post
Please join me for an oil painting workshop in Kyneton's historic Piper Street during the Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival.

Two separate workshops will be conducted over two weekends allowing attendees to complete a still life work following methods inspired by Australian Tonalist approaches to oil painting.

All materials will be supplied and no prior painting experience is necessary.  Accommodation and meals are the responsibility of attendees but I'm happy to assist with bookings on request.

Workshop 1
Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th April 2025
Workshop 2
Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th April 2025

10am - 5pm (including lunch break)

$350 (per workshop)

The Milk Bar Gallery
66a Piper Street
Kyneton 3444


Exhibition: Leave No Tone Unturned


Exhibition flyer (details in text)

In a world of emissions and rude impositions --
With stifled ambitions and scant recognition --
Can I make a submission or put a petition?
For my proposition (is): you make it your mission, to 
Put cares in remission and observe apparitions
Of mixed compositions in tonal traditions.
Though I risk repetition, I request transposition
To my latest edition of art exhibitions.*

In short, I'm having another exhibition.  I'd love you to come along for a gander.

Friday 18th April - Monday 21st April 2025
Friday 25th April - Sunday 27th April 2025
10(ish)am - 4pm

The Milk Bar Gallery
66a Piper Street
Kyneton 3444


I'll be in attendance most of the time, but please let me know if you plan to visit so I can be on hand to pontificate about the artwork.

*Though no precondition, I support acquisitions.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Tomatoes with Peacock Vacuum Bottle


Tomatoes beside a vintage green Peacock brand vacuum bottle

These tomatoes were grown in my vegetable garden and are, by definition, the most organic element in this painting.  They appear to be snuggling up to the Peacock bottle, leading me to conclude that nature adores a vacuum.

Oil on canvas board, 16" x 20"

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Green Apple with Glazed Jar


Still life oil painting of a green apple beside a red glazed jar
A duet between Fiona Apple and Julio Iglesias.

Oil on canvas board, 8" x 10"

Monday, 27 January 2025

Tomato with Small Brown Jug


Still life oil painting of a tomato beside a small brown jug
Jugs are brown, tomatoes are red,
Can't think of a pun, here's a couplet instead.

Oil on canvas board, 4" x 6"

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Hochgurtel Fountain at the Royal Exhibition Buildings


Whilst I'm not disappointed with this painting, it's hardly the high water mark.

Oil on canvas board, 8" x 10"

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Eggplant with cream milk jug


I'm unsure of what it is that eggs me on, but I can't keep from milking the same old jokes.

Oil on canvas board, 4" x 6"

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Dahlia Flower in Glass Vase


Still life oil painting of a dahlia flower in a tulip-shaped glass vase
I considered painting multiple flowers, but thought it best to take one dahlia at a time.

Oil on canvas board, 12" x 16"

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Pullman Hotel from Fitzroy Gardens


Landscape oil painting of a tall building behind a mass of trees
The hotel in the distance lodged into view.

Oil on canvas board, 8" x 10"

P.S. This was painted as part of a most enjoyable workshop with Robert Kelly, organised through the Victorian Artists' Society.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Copy: Percy Leason Self Portrait


Portrait oil painting of a bald man with glasses
This is a copy of a Percy Leason self portrait -- from the collection of the Castlemaine Art Museum -- that I painted as a class exercise.  It was cut into eight sections, with students given the task of painting one section each, upside down, in an effort to disguise the final picture.  At the end of class, each section was brought together to form the whole.

You could say this gave the picture a new Leason life.

Oil on canvas board, 16" x 20"

Monday, 6 January 2025

Pears with Kerosene Lamp


Still life oil painting of three green pears beside a red kerosene lamp
Things got a bit fruity in the red light district

Oil on canvas board, 16" x 20"