Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Lemon Half in Wine Glass

Oil painting of half a lemon in a wine glass.
This painting is a bit of a lemon.

Oil on canvas board, 4" x 6"

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Pear with Pewter Jug

Oil painting of a green pear beside a pewter jug.
A pewter generated image; one that has a real-life pair.

Oil on canvas board, 4" x 6"

Monday, 20 August 2018

Daffodils in Small Garlic-Head Vase

Two daffodil flowers in a small blue garlic-head vase.
One daffodil short of Wordsworth's crowd.

Oil on canvas board, 4" x 6"

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Fluted Jug with Désirée Potato

Oil painting of a small white porcelain fluted Jug beside a Désirée potato.
Still life arranged for flute and tuber.

Oil on canvas board, 6" x 4"

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Cider Glass with Grapefruit

Oil painting of a grapefruit beside a cider glass.
A great fruit, a long cider glass; I mean, a grapefruit alongside a glass.

Oil on canvas board, 4" x 6"

Monday, 13 August 2018

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Porcelain Jug with Blue Castor Oil Bottle and Onion

Both regular readers of my blog will be aware of my tendency to paint companion objects; this time I thought I'd depict three things so as to draw a crowd.

Oil on canvas board, 10" x 8"

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Mandarine with Small Bottle

Oil painting of a mandarine beside a small glass bottle.
There was a marine mandarine,
Marooned by a vast sea of green.
In a bottle was placed
A note that said, "Make haste!
I'm in desperate need of caffeine."

Oil on canvas board, 4" x 6"

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Garlic Bulb with Sauce Jug

Oil painting of a garlic bulb beside a small blue porcelain sauce jug.
The jug and garlic bulb looked a pitcher in their best cloves.

Oil on canvas board, 4" x 6"

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Manna Gum at Golden Hour, Pipers Creek

Oil painting of a eucalypt in front of a distant mountain range.
Apparently the "golden hour" is a photographers' term for the period shortly before sunset (and shortly after sunrise, which isn't what's depicted here).  Attempting to represent what might otherwise be captured in the click of a button is perhaps more accurately called, in painters' terms, the rush hour.

Oil on canvas board, 10" x 8"

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Still Life with Grapes

Oil painting of fruit with a vase a bottles.
Another of still life's grape mysteries

Oil on canvas board, 20" x 16"

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Small Copper Pot with Asparagus Spears

Oil painting of a bunch of asparagus spears beside a small copper pot with handles.
Small pots are copper, asparagus too; but only when oxidisation is through.

Oil on canvas board, 6" x 4"